Well I am in awe of the amazing speakers that we listened to at The Global Leadership Summit. I must admit that due to a schedule conflict we had to duck out at 3:30 today so we missed the final speaker (my apologies to Erwin McManus). But this afternoon brought more amazing insite and great speakers. I would like to applaud Willow Creek for the speaker selections as the variety was like none I have ever seen or appreciated. I also liked the balance between God and work place speakers. You pulled off an amazing event and I will return next year.
Here are my notes from the final two speakers I listened to. Be sure to check over them for book reading ideas and scripture reading as well if that's your cup of tea...if not, just go about life as you were ....uninspired. (oopps did I say that out loud?)
WCA day 2 pg 3
Session 7
John Dickson speaking on humility (and laughing at the paradox)
To hold your power for the good of others
-Humility is common sense
None of us is an expert in everything!!!!!!!
Today's lesson."...just because u are an expert in one area doesn't mean you know everything...the more you know, the more you know how much you don't know :)
-Humility is beautiful
People are attracted to leaders who have humility then those who don't
Humility used to be associated with servitude in greek and roman times.....humility revolution happened when Jesus was crucified
-Humility is generative
It generates new ideas ...a humble person will go away from this conference knowing and learning more then a boastful person
Book leading change by Kotter
-Humility is persuasive And if it's real makes u trustworthy
Educative, emotion, and character are the influences on decision making
-Humilty is inspiring
If leaders are unapproachable you admire but do not emulate them
Characters of a leader: Ability, Authority character, persuasion
Patrick Lencioni (book, Getting Naked)
"People need to be reminded rather then instructed"
Spoke on the power of being vulnerable
Three fears:
-fear of rejection or losing the business
Beat it by walking into the danger (squeaky chair n CEO story)
Tell the kind truth (people are desperate for the truth) empathize
-fear of being embarrassed (it's your job to say ...I don't understand)
As a leader, Your job isn't to look smart it's to help them do better
Let them see you sweat ( hahaha arm pit story)...funny guy
Acknowledge your humanity ( hate to write this but..the fart story lol)
-fear of feeling inferior (do the dirty work)
Make everything about others, not yourself (little miss matched socks story.... Wears them so people ask about them bc she was a client)
Incase anyone is reading this, not only am I testing out comments, but I am apologizing for the note taking sections of my blogs...I cut n paste them just as they were ....so if it reminds you of college ( or high school) a bit, ummmmm mm sorry.
ReplyDeleteIt was an amazing two days! I had a great time going with you.