My husband and I participated in Day 1 of an amazing event today, The Global Leadership Summit. This is an event put on by Willow Creek Ministries and approximately 150,000 around the world with a part of today's event with satellite branches set up all over the world. I attached some of my notes taken (with my handy dandy ipad). it may seen like gibberish to those who weren't there, but I am basically posting these for brief ideas and so I can look back and reflect on ideas at a later date. I would love the opportunity to share EVERYTHING about this conference so if you're interested in coffee or a chat (or coffee ...did I say that already?) I would love to go into more detail with you-just look me up. The best part?-Day 2 starts at 9am tomorrow and I can't wait to be inspired some more. (follow event on twitter at #wcagls)
Number one take-away from the conference today? "Failure doesn't mean game over, it means that you continue on with experience!...also, if you are looking to make change in your church or spiritual life (or work life for that matter) read, study, and re-read and study the book of Acts.
Session 2: Len (pen pg 15)
Entrepreneur and cre- actionism
Don't focus what you want to do, focus on what you want to do next (yoga)
It's not what you're going to do it's what you're going to do next
Failure doesn't mean game over it means to continue with experience
Session 2b: Cory Booker (find him on twitter) (pen pg20)...(Bridget's side note-This is one of the most amazing people I have every heard speak-if you get the opportunity-take it!
Extraordinary parents
You will always meet adversaries but you are born of love (u have a choice of how you act)... And move forward
what you see on the outside is a reflection of who u are on the inside (old women story)
Session 3 Brenda Salter (Bridget side note- WOW I love this gals charisma!!!)
Global church
"break thru the sound barrier"
Catalytic events
Take it global
1.Pray for Devine Mandate (What do u want me to do?) break our hearts with what breaks yours...
2. Name your catalytic events is the spirit of God moving in our communities
This isn't the end it is the beginning
3. Mobilize people to go! Talk to people to understand..those who know about it
(go and learn)
Session 3B
Seth Godin (guy with the slides)
Everyone is a part of a "tribe" -what's yours? (ie. red hat)
Clapping exercise (shows humans desire to conform)
Do something different (for someone else with someone else)
The reason they want you to conform is so that once you do they can ignore you
solve interesting problems
If you want to stand out, run to it...not away from it (dog story)
Make a difference
Session 4
Pastor Steven Furtick
Harpist piano guy skinny jeans lol
"Is it a daydream or a vision"
Dig (a lot of) ditches
What's the next thing you're going to do?
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