Wednesday, September 21, 2011

10,000 Toys

Well, obviously the school year must have started.....I feel like I haven't sat down in two weeks! My memories of how I juggled being a mom, wife, volunteer, and full time employee are quickly fading. I also feel a bit of guilt judging mommies who seem to never get put of their jammies or sweats as I am now sitting here in my jammies and I confess...I even got in my Jeep and drove my eight year old to school in them!...(Well, I didn't have to get out of the car). One of my many at home tasks these last couple weeks has been to have my daughters go through the toy boxes and shelves to pick out toys they don't play with any more and bring them to the consignment shop to earn money to buy new ones they DO play with. After meeting much resistance because of course play with ALL 10,000 toys...we now have a small pile that isn't really worth driving across town to "sell". My tenacity is going to payoff (I hope) when they realize that they haven't picked out enough toys to buy what they really want....NO CAVING, I PROMISE! No digging in my wallet to "make up the difference" -I swear! After all, we ARE trying to raise responsible, successful, contributing members to society. I'll let you know how it goes...